Recipe from https://www.seriouseats.com/creme-brulee-recipe-7107199
https://youtu.be/v777iWOUWEk (Playback on other websites has been disabled by the video owner)
There were some major updates to the infrastructure of this website so just to note them down before I forget.
Add support for TOC in my Jekyll theme
Just want to give a brief updates on my current status. I moved from Bay Area working for Arista Networks to Irvine@Orange County@SoCal working for Amazon on...
This blog talks about various data encoding methods and their advantages/limitations, along with protocols of transmitting them.
Anthoer book summary/review!
I recently read through the book Streaming Systems so think it would be a good idea to write up a summary/thoughts about it. The book is recommended by 评:Str...
Cost semantics is to discuss: How long do programs run (abstractly)?
Haskell is a dialect Algol!
Recap for Product/Sum Types
Partial Functions
Hereditary Termination and Logical Equivalence Recap
An example to start off
This is a project I did in my undergrad, so I might forget some of the details. Also some of the design choices might seen stupid for now, but I am writing t...
We can think of category theory as a generalized set theory, where in set theory we have sets and ∈, but in category theory we have objects and arrows, w...
The main question is, how do we define two programs are equal, and how do we prove it.
Family of Types
We can think of Type Theory as being a catalog of a variety of notions of computation. The type structure determines the “programming language features”. For...
Here we will talk about computational interpretations by the example of lax logic. Hope from the example we can have sense of how logic and PL are connected.
We state “A is true”, then “A” is a proposition, and “A is true” as a whole is a judgement.
Total Programming Language
Variable Storage and Lifetime
Requirements and Comments
Matrix Game: Two players, each makes a choice secretly and play simutaneously. And there is payoff.
Basic Definitions
The Setting
Exception and Interrupt
Find the minimum r of two integers x and y
Introduction to Cache Oblivious Algorithms
Basic Quantum Computing with Least Physics Possible
Some Notes about Fibonacci Heaps
Some Notes of Introduction to Algorithm
Dynamic Compilation Part1-3
Virtual Machine
Anchor-The Rapid Rise of Containers in Production
These notes will attempt to describe how operating systems virtualization (henceforth to be termed virtualization’’) is implemented. There are essentially ...
Software Defined Networking and The Cloud
Amazon Web Service
The Unix File System
This lecture will attempt to cover the various concepts that are important to the memory management functions that most operating systems must perform.
System Calls
The Kthreads Library
Introduction – The Bounded Buffer Problem
Race conditions and mutexes
First post haha nima